28 January 2014

Monday Calling

After a pleasant night of cocktails on Saturday night I had a bit of a talking to from a colleague of mine - she said that I need to try harder to get out of my job that's drained all my energy and enthusiasm before I turn completely bitter. {note: telling people what they 'really need to do' in life, hate it}

I don't have huge enthusiasm for my job, so she is kinda right - but at the same time just made me feel utterly crap - probably more so now its Monday - I'm not working hard enough to get another job, I'm not working hard enough in my current job, I'm not fit enough, I'm not thin enough, I'm not learning enough about yoga, I don't have a CALLING. Jeez, I'm note quite good enough at anything right now and it makes me feel rubbish.

Now I have a bit of a pet peeve of people that complain about things but then aren't willing to change something to improve the situation, so I better not get too mopey about this whole thing.

So how do you do it? how do you find this mythical unicorn that is a fulfilling worthwhile career/Life?

Forbes offer an interesting list on How to find your calling
So things I can take from this right now?
  • “What is next today?” OK so I'll run, go to crossfit, learn a little more about yoga, and tidy the bathroom - that's not really career based at all....OK I will apply for a job today as well, one that intrigues me. Which  brings us to ...
  • Say yes to the things that intrigue you. I kinda feel like I do this quite a bit anyway, but a solid mantra all the same.
  • Change course if you find yourself coasting. Well suffice to say - I coast in my job alot, I am trying to change course. It just seems to be taking a long time....
Someone said to me recently you should make a list of all the things you've done in the last 6 months that you really enjoyed and then ask yourself why you're not doing more of these things.

My last 6 months, what I loved:
  • Travelling and seeing loads of cool wildlife in the Amazon
  • planning new adventures
  • Trail running+TM
  • Signing up for Yoga TT
So what do I like doing - challenging myself and learning new things. Right, no wonder I don't like my job! It really is time to jump ship!

Oh and finally...

So remembering to do the things that make me happy seems like a good idea too so thats; travel, reading, shows/films, friends, parties, not to be overlooked!


1 comment:

  1. Oh dearest I'm sorry I didn't read this post on the actual Day of Doom that was Monday! Glad you're feeling more positive today but oh my, I know the feeling!
