3 October 2012


Not a goal, but the age I am going to be this month! 29, Single, don't own property or a car or even a pet! still not in my dream job....but actually, I'm not sure I care too much, not today anyway. I'll get there in my own sweet time!

Here are some other 29 year olds who are doing pretty well....



  1. I've never believed in age-appropriate goals ("I must have...by the time I'm 30") because you never know what life's going to throw at you!

    But I'd take a date with Thor for any birthday present :)

  2. Heya :)
    I just came across your blog... don't feel bad about being 29! I turned 29 in July and I *know* it feels daunting just because it's one year from 30! But think about it- you have a Masters Degree and you've worked at Harvard- that's more than most people will achieve in a lifetime!

    Everything else is just material, and those kind of things will come. You should judge your years through your life experience and knowledge, not by things you 'own' or by dwelling on what you don't have :)

    Good Luck to you and Stay Glamorous!

    xxxLottie Lee


    1. Thanks Lottie, what lovely post! thanks for popping by :) xxx
