8 May 2014

Summer in the City

The days are getting longer, the daffodils have come and gone. Summer is ready to pounce like a warm fluffy kitten!

Bath is of course beautiful in its own way in every season. Though, very often I'm very fickle and dub whatever season we're in to be my favourite. Winter: snow days and christmas market, Autumn: golden trees and fluffy scarfs, Spring: flowers and lambs - see, its real tough to pick the best!

But I think any Bathonian would agree, Summer in Bath is something very special - the beauty of the city increases tenfold with a balmy golden evening and some hot air balloons quietly looming over Great Pulteney street.

Photo by Ryan Ladd 2014

AND social events start springing up all over the place. Here are some I am particularly excited about attending, hopefully in a pretty floral dress...



  1. Hello Sarah,

    Well, both of these events look exceedingly good. Certainly, reasons, if any were needed, to visit Bath in the summer. We had a friend who worked at the Holbourne many years ago but we think that it has completely reinvented itself since then. Definitely time for a return since it has the reputation for putting on good exhibitions.

    And, your fashion night out sounds most exciting. Stamina certainly will be required as we notice it begins at 5.30pm. Gosh, almost Afternoon Tea time! What will you wear.......?

  2. I think flats are a must! a blending of comfort and glamour are needed in such situations!

    You must see the Holbourne! Its had a very lovely modern extension and a delightful new cafe that backs out onto Sydney Gardens, they've done a grand job!

