24 February 2012

A quote for Friday

 “Seek and you will find. Don't be willing to accept an ordinary life.”


20 February 2012

No.9 Job working with animals

Sadly I didn't get the job with Guide dogs for the Blind, which is a a real bummer. I was convinced this would be the start of that elusive beast called 'My Career' However the silver lining here is that I will be staying in Bath for the foreseeable future, which is no hardship.

I love Bath and the lovely friends I have made here: I continually remind myself how lucky I am to have a job, a nice place to live and great friends and family.

And so, Onwards!

7 February 2012

Goal 25. Make £100 on Ebay

£51.99! in additon to last months £10.51 im on £62.50 which is not to be sniffed at, and after purchasing my new laptop, any spare change is very much needed! Just £37.50 to go before I reach my £100 goal :)


3 February 2012

February Update

As we roll on into the second month 2012:

2.Take a course on Sewing: Thanks to the lovely W.I I am taking a evening course on February 9th to make a clutch bag :)
4.Go on a yoga Retreat: Still researching this, the choice is mind boggling!
6.Buy a new Laptop: With my Christmas bonus from work I bought myself a macbook.
9.Get a job related to animals: My interview with Guide dogs for the Blind went well yesterday, I was very nervous and the job is beyond amazing. I will keep you posted!
13.Weigh 9.5 Stone: I'm not even sure where the scales in our house have got to, and that's probably for the best!
17.Travel to another Country by train: My trip to Paris is booked! in April I shall be Eurostarring my way there with my lovely girlfriends.
26.Make £100 selling old clothes on Ebay: I have filtered my wardrobe and in the process of selling various outfits, the proceeds of which will provide a good percentage of my spending money for Paris
32.Bake fabulous Courgette + Strawberry Cupcakes to raise money for a good cause: The bake sale at work to raise money for Childreach international raised £147, My cupcakes did their part!
39.To not buy any clothes for 1 year (01/01/12 to 01/01/13) : so far so good! I am already noticing the positive impact on my bank balance, and am making more of an effort to look after the clothes I have.
40.Spend more time visiting/hosting friends (at least once a month)
I have already visited my ex-officemate Debbie, in a memorable road trip to Essex and am hosting my besty Emma on the 18th Feb, Bang on target!


1 February 2012


You may remember that I'm a scanner, or as Eleni prefers, 'magpie' 
anyway officially, to scanners and magpies alike "the world is like a big candy store full of fascinating opportunities, and all they want is to reach out and stuff their pockets"
Which is by far the most lovely way to describe my nature of flitting from one obsession to another (I inherited this from my dad, god bless 'im)

Well, as I am off to Paris in a few months it seems only fitting my new fascination is with something very Parisienne, Laduree: Paris sweet shop extraordinaire, and have just purchased for myself a Laduree silk scarf! :) why the delight with this brand you may ask? exceptionally branding and lifestyle branding probably. But to the more whimsical:

I believe that covers everything, non?

Leamington Spa-aaargh!

Well, My interview is tomorrow! my presentation is... not quite finished!
I'm trying to think positively and think on the trip as an adventure, I'll have time to explore the town a little. It is a spa town so very likely it will have some nice similarities with Bath.

I enjoy the Art Deco railway station!