5 December 2011

Shotguns and Chelsea Buns

Reader, It was never on my list to join a 'Shotgun and Chelsea bun club' but my word I'm glad I did anyway! Sarah, A new friend introduced to me by the Lovely Eleni, mentioned she was going to this exciting event and I couldn't resist tagging along! I am a complete beginner in clay pigeon shooting but I very much enjoyed learning. Here are a selection of piccies of me destroying some clay pigeons :)

I didn't get any pics of the Chelsea buns but I can assure you they were delicious and devoured with gusto by some very cold and hungry ladies!

Rob, our fab teacher can be seen in the pics, said, and I quote  "Now Sarah was on fire, I hope she keeps it up because she's a natural" I don't think I've ever been so proud! and certainly never been a natural at anything! I can wholeheartedly recommend this as a exhilarating hobby! (I'm not sure, after doing it once I can class this as a hobby, but I have every intention of making it one :))



  1. Ah, I was wondering how it went! Natural born clay pigeon killer!

  2. You'll have to join us on the next one eleni, its great outdoorsy fun! xx
