6 September 2011

No.19 See a Play in London

Last weekend I went to the Big Smoke to see WarHorse - and it was splendiferous! Brilliant story with really captivating puppetry, if you can call them puppets, the horses as you can see below were life size, and huge!
I think puppetry is one of those skills that you have to work hard to not make it twee, but done right its truly amazing. Which this was!

Its a simple story about a boy and his beloved horse, Joey. Who both end up in the war but are separated. I wont give too much of the story away as the book is very short and a good read, I recommend you read it! and the film is coming out soon as well, so there are a plethora of ways to experience the story.

So, No 19 done, dusted and thoroughly enjoyed! :) x


  1. Hello:
    This sounds to have been a most imaginatively designed and powerfully performed production. It is so satisfying when one sees a piece of live theatre which really does make one reflect and consider things more deeply.

    We have found you via the delightful Eleni and have signed up as followers in order to stay intouch.

  2. Well, You certainly put it far for eloquently that I could have! Welcome, I am delighted to have you :)

  3. Yay! FANTASTIC play! I got to see it for free when I worked at Ticketmaster in London and I bawled me eyes out! Glad the Hattatts have joined you - their blog will make you sick with envy!

  4. Hello:

    I found your blog via the lovely Jane and Lance and this post caught my eye. A friend who works at the national gave me the opportunity to see this play for free. Initially I felt tricked as my friend failed to mention that it was a play with puppets, had I known in advance I would surely never have attended. As it is I'm very much glad that I did, within minutes I'd forgotten completely that the horses were anything but real and hollered thunderous applause at the end. Hollywood have gotten their hands on it now and it's soon to be brought to the big screen, I wonder how?

    Anyhow, lovely blog and I'm delighted to be following
