23 May 2015

Goals 13 + 48. Go on a Yoga Retreat and Teach Yoga Abroad

How lovely that having come back to my little blog after a break that I have two goals to tick of the list. As part of my new job organising conferences I am teaching 2 early morning classes in Las Vegas, to encourage wellness in the workplace.

And I have put down my deposit for a yoga retreat in exotic...well, Arundel. A lovely place in the country and a fraction of the cost of some of the exotic retreats I found. A modest start, is after all, still a start.

I'll be teaching Yoga here at the Tropicana Terrace - usually used for weddings!

Retreat Centre in Arundel


11 May 2015

May Day, May Day!

Wow, Guys, its May! I haven't written a blog post in a very long time. One reason being I've been writing lots of blog posts for work, some not so exciting but for some I get to write about some great stuff! like wellness and incorporating yoga into your office day

So, I've failed to meet some of my goal deadlines and I've made some big decisions, I have left Crossfit, this was a ridiculously hard decision to make - Crossfit has made me stronger and fitter than I have ever in my life, and really all my reasons not to do it (cost+distance) didn't really seem good enough. But really I think I'm just ready for a change - and spending out a little less each month is a bonus I will have to use wisely

So yet again, I've had to rethink my exercise schedule. With an aim of 3 cardio/weight classes, 2 yoga classes, 1 run a week. Lets see how I get on this time!

Monday -  Weights Class @YMCA
Tuesday - Cardio Class, then Yoga Class @YMCA
Wednesday - Teaching Park Yoga after work
Thursday - Teaching yoga before work and YMCA Class
Friday - YMCA Yoga Class, Run at lunchtime
Saturday - Rest Day/Catch up
Sunday - Teaching Yoga/Catch up

My 2015 resolutions, I have yet to complete: New Deadline is July and I am determined to meet it. Over halfway through the year is long enough!

  • Put money into an ISA
  • lose 7lbs
  • book a yoga retreat and holiday with D