23 September 2014

Other New Favourite words

First there was Hygge
Now I would also like to add Ikigai;

"It is what you are trying to achieve from this life that you were given"


Fresh Fall

Autumn is about fresh starts; new term, back to school, and I'll be starting my new job in a few weeks, and today is my last day at my current job :D

Tomorrow I'll be jetting off for 10 days in paradise before starting a new job in October, so it will be a fresh start for me and I am really keen to make the most of this chance to start afresh

My Autumn Goals

  • Lose weight. My goal is to lose a stone over the next 4 months or so (goal 22)
  • Engage fully with my job for my 3 month probation, and beyond (related to goal 57)
  • Now I will no longer be using the university gym - settle into new exercise regime inc. cross fit, yoga, running and Bath YMCA classes




19 September 2014

The weather outside is frightful....

The weather is turning that's for sure, check our these pics from Bath, Corsham + Chippenham last night

Its cold and damp on campus today, and my mind is turning to hot drinks, scarfs and autumn walks


New September

Lets have a moment to reflect on my September 2013

Jane Austen Promenade
Tough Mudder
Cross-fit Throwdown
I signed up for my Yoga teacher training! In fact, exactly a year ago today I made my decision to do it

This is why I love blogging, I can see exactly what I was thinking/planning one year ago today, and now I can feel proud that I achieve my goal and am now a fully fledged teacher :D

And this September? Much less fitness based, but utterly glorious...
I've handed in my notice at work, been to a fabulous wedding, Goodwood Revival, and 5 days I'll be going here:


Goodwood Revival

Here's to Septembers, Autumn, looking back at all we've achieved, and looking forward to new adventures!


17 September 2014

My New Favourite Word...

 Hygge: Danish word for a feeling of Coziness and contentment


5 September 2014


I have a new job! one I applied for on a whim after seeing it on CreativeBath, this autumn will see me leave my job at the university I've had for 3 years. It's bittersweet, I'm so ready for a change but will miss the energy of campus and the facilities I had ready access to. I feel like I am starting a new chapter of my life and that is super exciting.

I will have my lovely break in Mauritius before heading back to the UK to start my new job

Remember this post on finding your passion? and this tip about doing what you love?

They have been so useful in helping me consider my career options, as I still really have no idea what my 'dream job' would be, and I can think of a hundred that, should I be offered I would snap up and claim it my dream job: yoga teacher in Hawaii, cupcake decorator, hairdresser, researcher, vet, sculptor, radio DJ, party planner. 

There are loads of things I would love to do, but I have to pick something! and something I'm actually capable of doing seems a good bet. Organizing events is something I have done consistently since I started full time work 7 years ago, even though its never been my official job title. Well it is now! I am soon to be a Junior Events Producer and am keen to give this avenue of career option a really good go before either accepting it as my chosen career or maybe deciding to do something else.

My ultimate goal when I think on it, is not to 'Be a researcher' or 'Be a DJ' but to be happy, to enjoy the work I do and feel excitement and value in the work I am doing

So readers, here's to brave new steps into the unknown, and chasing our passions (even if we aren't sure what the are yet)!


1 September 2014

Warrior Pose

Another year, another trip stateside to Boston. This year I checked out a lovely new studio: OmWarrior, and had a great morning Vinyasa class with Marc. The studio was small, charming and welcoming and the class was a joy.

When I first went to yoga as a child, my teacher used to wrap us up in warm blankets at the end of practice for Savasana. Its not really practical as an adult,but any practice that makes me feel wrapped in comfort in the same way as those blankets once did; gets a very enthusiastic thumbs up from me!

If you are ever in Boston, I can recommend OmWarrior highly
