29 April 2014

Weekly goals

Its good to have life goals (as is the whole point of this blog, so I'll state that one first!) but its also great to have short term goals to tick off the list as well. I've been battling some kind of cold/run down-edness atm so am feeling pretty weary this week, but managed to make it to yoga yesterday so at least got my week off to a good start. So whilst I sip my tea and move slowly about my desk, here are my goals for this week:

28th April - May 5th
  • Yoga, crossfit, running or walking, one or more of these every day, no excuses!
  • Revise/study an element of Yoga every day this week (I have a practical training class is this Friday- I'm almost a certified teacher!)
  • Tidy my kitchen and bedroom - I feel the need to declutter! (and there's a clothes swap coming up :))
  • Make delicious dinner for my favourite boy, I've got a vague Italian theme in mind - this or this maybe and this
  • See this film
  • HYDRATE: 3 ltrs a day is my goal
  • Apply for a job that interests me
  • Send my details to the new Gainsborough Hotel in Bath, suggesting I teach yoga classes for them
These are little things, but in doing them I will be closer to some of my larger fitness, life and career goals :) (with some that are purely for fun, one must always factor in joy!)

Progress (in black once I've done them):
Monday - Yoga + 2 hr yoga study
Tuesday - Crossfit + 1 hr yoga study Oh dear, how very classic i set the goal and then fail the same day! no xfit today - still feeling ropey. did revise for yoga tho
Wedneday - 3 mile run + 1 hr yoga study - *sigh* yup and again, did the study, didn't do the run
Thursday - Yoga + 1 hr yoga study: At home, excellent, thats better!
Friday - Yoga (all day :)) as part of my yoga teacher training, a tiring but lovely day
Saturday - Hike + Yoga. Hike yes, tiring but glorious, yoga...no
Sunday - Yoga. nope
Monday - Yoga + 3 mile run. nope! had a nice leisurely 3 mile walk tho

There we go, 4.5 out of 8, thats err not awful! but not great. I really need to work on fitting everything in with careful scheduling


21 April 2014

Yoga list

It's fun to work your way through a list, especially when it brings you to do things you might not normally consider.

I'm always on about going on a yoga retreat, which I'm sure I will get to one day, but something I also enjoy is visiting a yoga class wherever I am in the world, I've practised in Miami, Boston, Chicago and London and enjoy adding to the list whenever possible.

So this leads me to 'the worlds best yoga studios' Take a peek, with new studios popping up all the time, I wonder how quickly these list go out of date, this one is from 2013: but I would like to tick off some of these. There is an ever changing list of beautiful studios, there is certainly no shortage of inspiring places to practise.

Top Ten from 'seek retreat'

  1. Elements, Bangkok
  2. AYRI, Mysore, India
  3. Hamsa, Copenhagen
  4. TriYoga, London
  5. Yoga Tree, San Francisco
  6. Yoga works, LA
  7. Yoga Studio Milano, Milan
  8. Rasa, Paris
  9. BeYoga, Tokyo
  10. Vira Yoga, New york


7 April 2014

Blog Love

In addition to my obvious love for blogs by my friends like Eleni Drinks Tea

There are a few that I have stumbled upon through happy chance and really look forward to new posts from, today I share the wonderful Things We Forget; Inspirational messages no bigger than a post-it note, stuck out in the world for someone to find.....


3 April 2014

30 Goals

I always love to read the goals of others, its nice to see other people who like to make goals and lists, I instantly feel a spark of affinity with them, and of course I am often inspired to make new goals from the ones I find!

The lovely blog 'Her Library Adventures' came up with 30 fun goals for 2014 which are all lovely, I love to see goals like this that really give you an insight into a persons' passions, and these are much more fun and achievable than many I've read. My notes are in purple

1. Connect with the seasons - An excellent one, often overlooked in busy city living, and a surefire way to feel happier
2. Read The Odyssey
3. Bake a weekly loaf of bread - I don't do it weekly but I do love making (and eating) fresh bread :)
4. Continue my ethical fashion journey
5. Make Nan's chutney recipe  - I used a recipe online, but I am still enjoying the chutney I made from apples from my childhood home
6. Grow, harvest and blend my own tea - wow! admirable! I wish I had the climate for this!
7. Practise yoga and meditation regularly - ditto
8. Create a scrapbook of Tallow's first year
9. Work on our caravan makeover
10. Take Tallow camping
11. Experiment with a new craft - I might nab this one, an excellent and simple goal
12. Write MORE letters
13. Make Tallow some toys
14. Simplify our home - Great idea! I really need to do this, the clutter in my home stresses me
15. Get a new piece of ink
16. Have a stall at the local markets
17. Continue to grow our own fruit and veggies
18. Visit somewhere I've never been - an excellent goal for every year
19. Practise embroidery stitches
20. Play with water colours
21. Journal everyday - to be more conscious of each day that passes, and try to achieve things each and every day - yep that would be a great reason to have a journal. I might try this.
22. Reinvent date night - I don't think I could make my date nights any better, they are perfect :) and I am lucky
23. Embrace handmade holidays (especially Christmas)
24. Make do and mend
25. Crochet a blanket
26. Learn to play the ukulele
27. Organise the office cupboard - my desk, boy do I need to tidy my desk.... I will do this today! #quickwin
28. Go surfing - I'll go swimming in the sea, which I love
29. Go to bed early - I really should
30. Live simply and love greatly - another lovely goal, from a lovely, very personal goal list