31 December 2013


This time last year I posted This some quotes to live by or ponder for the new year ahead. 

  • I've kissed many people who think I'm wonderful - my friends, and thats fine by me
  • Dream dangerously and outrageously - not only dreamed but lived some amazing ones! the Amazon, running the Tough Mudder, I've done things beyond anything I thought I could ever do before.
  • Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes: well, I've made a fair few mistakes but I feel more on track to the life I really want which is great.

I have chosen two lovely quote/picture combos this year to think on as I embark on 2014


16 December 2013

Christmas Catch-up

Its been a while! and I intend to be somewhat Internet free over the holidays so I better bring you up to speed now hadn't I!


  • The Amazon- Just amazing, we did so much; saw amazing wildlife and met tribes, swam in the river, went piranha fishing, trekked in the Jungle and lazed on our wonderful river boat. I've recommended it to everyone whose asked. it was a really well organised trip and would definitely travel with GAdeventures again.
  • Festive Parties - My festive Tea party was a success; cocktails and food abound, and I have the Crossfit christmas party to look forward to :)
  • Yoga Teacher Training - now on my 4th unit, I admit the festive period has seen a lull from me as so much is happening. but I'm due various yoga based gifts for xmas to get me ready and raring for learning in the New Year
  • Running - I ran an extreme coast trail in Dorset last Saturday with Endurance Life, it was soooo tough, but I am very proud for doing it!
  • 2014 Travel plans - The wishlist is as follows: Japan, Lake District, Boston, Manchester, Edinburgh

Goals I want to focus on in 2014:

12. Own a Property - Continuing to save with this end goal in mind
18. Get a job working with animals - specifically, I think its time to leave my current job
22.Weigh 9.7 Stone - Now my fitness is really been turned up a gear I'm hoping some attention to my eating habits will help me get a nice level of happiness with my body
34. Buy furniture from Rossiters - I have been jonesing for a lovely coffee table and bookshelf for some time. January sales may be the time to treat myself!
42.Visit Edinburgh  - planned for Jan/Feb 2014
43.Visit Japan - Planned for Oct 2014
48. To not buy any clothes for 1 year (01/01/14 to 01/01/15) - The Dates of this one change each year but its one I like to keep trying with - because I have a wardrobe overflowing with clothes, a great clothes swap club, and a unhelpful attitude that the right dress will make me a better person.
53. Do a teaching course via the Yoga alliance and teach Yoga - well underway
56. Explore China. Esp. Shanghai and Macau - this one is just a possible, as I could tack it on to the Japan trip