29 May 2013

'Great' Review

As you know, I was excited about seeing Great Gatsby not least for the visual feast of it all. I went to my favourite local cinema 'The Little Theatre' and as predicted it was visually lovely -so much thought had obviously been put into the interiors (gorgeous) and the costumes (divine) and the scenes were lovely, everything looked amazing: Gatsy standing on the dock looking for the green light at Daisy's house, the elaborate high tea Gatsby organises to meet Daisy again, every party thrown!

Yes they were amazing. But despite all of this, it just didn't click for me - funnily as Tobey maguires' Nick Carraway says himself "The tempo of the city had changed sharply. The buildings were higher. The parties are bigger. The morals were looser and the liquor was cheaper" which suggests a fast pace to this tale and indeed to the general way of life for our bright young things.

But the film seemed to drag - and in all the wrong places, the build up to Gatsby and Daisy meeting is drawn out obviously - but after their first scene meeting for tea, they seem to throw in one montage of them having fun and a party and then all of a sudden its time to tell Daisy's husband Tom that she's leaving him. I don't feel there is nearly enough time of Gatsby and Daisy actually being together - I suppose that's the fast pace they are trying to capture, but I think it could have been done better.

The same goes for Tom Buchanan and his mistress Myrtle Fisher - another important relationship - there is just one short scene with them together.

Finally Nick Caraway's last meeting Daisy and Tom again after the dramatic climax following the day in the city (I wont spoil it in case you don't know the story) absent from this version, which was such a shame.

I feel like such a large amount of time is spent on the gorgeous shots of the parties and the houses, that the most important part of the story -the interaction of the characters is cut short, as if to speed things along after spending too much time on party scenes.

I actually heard someone say as we left the theatre -"well it was better than the Robert Redford Version". I disagree: Redfords' Gatsby was infinitely cooler, and Mia Farrows' Daisy was much more 'unbalanced' which I personally felt was a better interpretation that DiCaprio's manic Gatsby and Mulligans detached Daisy.

But, I know I've put it down a bit here - It is still quite a sight to behold. So I would still suggest seeing it on the big screen while you have the chance!

1974 version

1974 version

2013 version




24 May 2013

Jumping for Joy

Just a quick crossfit update Darlings, mainly because I am very excited about tonight WOD (that's 'Workout Of the Day') and I guess that sums up really nicely whats fun about crossfit -we've got no idea what we'll be doing each day until its posted up -but we know it will be different and challenging in new ways each time.

And tonight's one is nice because a) I love box jumps (just like it sounds, its jumping up onto boxes) because, well, jumping around is fun! and I enjoy AMRAPs (as many reps as possible) because I can challenge myself in how many I can do, and I love power snatches and push ups!

So there it is, I'm bonkers about exercise now! :P

WOD 24-5-13

1) Establish a Max Height Box Jump

2) 7 min AMRAP:
3 Power Snatch (40kg)
3 Hand Release Press Ups
6 Power Snatch
6 Hand Release Press Ups
9 Power Snatch
9 Hand Release Press Ups
….. so on increasing each set by 3 reps each exercise


New Half Measures!

Hot on the success of my running training I signed up for the Bath Half today: as its pay day and I wanted to do it the moment I had the funds, as it sells out quickly.

The Bath Half is something of an iconic race for Bathonions and I feel that I can truly call myself a local once I've done this! and frankly my new found 'success' at running has given me a confidence to do things I thought impossible last year!


21 May 2013

Half Measures Update

Training is going almost alarmingly well! I surely am fitter than ever before, Crossfit is definitely the major contributor in this transformation but the motivation of Tough Mudder and not wanting to let down my team mates is certainly a big factor too.

This was my general plan for the next few months - but I'm actually storming ahead! Last weekend I managed a total of 7 miles of the 9 mile Dundas run - in 2 hours. So I'm aiming to get to 10 miles by June. Which will give me more time to practice an 'obstacle' at each mile in July+August

Run 5 miles 
June + July
8 miles

9 mile round trip to Dundas 
First Week: 11 miles
2nd Week: 11 miles again
3rd Week Tough Mudder!!


No. 12 revisited

I can update you guys that I decided against the studio flat, it was very nice for a studio, the place itself was nice but the building it was in was shabby and the winding staircase to the top flat would have made moving a nightmare.

But all is not lost Bath Riverside is a new development in an up and coming part of town by Sainsburies - and it is my thought that renting out a one bed beauty from here should be relatively easy and should cover the mortgage, and they offer 'help to buy' schemes to boot. So thats my next view - hopefully this weekend.


20 May 2013

Paleo Catch-up

I've done a little food photography with a couple of paleo recipes I'm fond of

Smoothie: 1 can of peaches tinned in juice, 8 dates, 2 handfuls of red grapes, 1 banana = Blended together
This one was really yummy - I marinated the prawns in the juice of 1 red grapefruit, a teaspoon of olive oil, 2 crushed garlic cloves and a pinch of chilli flakes. Then I fried up some thinly sliced parsnips and runner beans in a little oil and a generous sprinkle of cajun spice mix then added the prawns along with all the marinading juice for about 10 minutes of cooking together.

You could use any old veg to hand - I just happened to have Parsnips+Beans in the freezer, they were pretty squishy once they defrosted but they cooked up ok. I think this would work nice with chicken as well. 
OOooh I do love tomato soup! and this one is blissfully easy - heat up a tin of  tomatoes and cut up two cooked sweet potatoes and stir in, add a cup or 2 of water, lots a seasoning, I like garlic salt and mustard powder - whizz in a blender and bam! super easy super tasty

I'm also planning, come pay day, to buy this lovely looking book, because my last paleo dinner I cooked for my friends went down a storm - and I do love to have friends gather around my dining table :) AND it include a 'tea party' section -how could I not be enchanted!


11 May 2013

Look North

Darlings, as I mentioned, I'm off the the Lake District with 4 of the finest pals anyone could wish for. Our own little grand tour!

I've almost finished packing -there always seems to be too much! and am all set for our road trip tomorrow. Its going to be cold and wet so there are lots of tights, thick socks and hats, and as always, more books than I would ever be able to read in a week!

See you soon, I'll send a postcard! :)


7 May 2013

31. Bath Life Magazine

Its round 3! Me and lovely Sarah Clough now have a running competition of how many times we can get into Bath Life: we are now at 3-all.

There was April and November 2012 and our first of 2013 has been achieved! I'm also delighted that we got Sarah's beau Johnny in the pic too: Sarah and Johnny are a wonderful couple and I very much enjoy each and every outing with them!

Here we are at  'Bath in Fashion' event: we supped champers and looked at some gorgeous Norman Parkinson photos in a lovely exhibition in the Octagon: A lovely, if slightly run down venue in Bath.
Parkinson took quite a few fashion shots in Bath: I had no idea!

I think this might be the Paragon area, but I'd like to find out the exact place

That shop on the right is now the Thermae Spa, and the columns are still there leading up Stall street

I still get a little thrill every time I see myself in Bath Life, for lots of reasons: because I love the magazine, and the city, because it gives me a fun memento of lovely nights out, and because I spent a very long time being very uncool and unpopular growing up: I feel a lil' bit delighted for being considered something akin to a socialite every time I get into these hallowed pages!

Silly, but who cares, it makes me smile!

If my 12 year old self could see what the future would hold: I think she'd be very excited - and thats a nice feeling.

Happy Socialising All!


3 May 2013

Goal Number 12!!! (Own a property)

Ooooh plans are afoot peoples!

How funny that just after writing about my mortgage fund and that I hope to buy a little place in the next few years: up pops onto the market: a little studio flat in my price range!! (This is absolutely unbelievable in Bath: the most expensive city in the world to buy in*) and in a nice location close to Walcot street. My plan would be to rent it out whilst staying at my dads, at least for the time being.

I'm going to view it tomorrow morning

The building: its the top floor flat

The View

Living space: bed, desk + sofa

Bed +Window

Kitchen: ripe for jazzing up!


*not strictly true: but it does feel like it sometimes!

Night at the Museum

Since joining the WI (in 2011??! I know I'm always harping on a time flying but wow!) I had a chance to see and do some great things: a tour of Marilyn Monroe dresses, learning how to give a shoulder massage, make a handbag, bread and canapes. I really do think its a lovely group: and our committee organise some great events.

Our most recent was a behind the scenes visit to No.1 Royal Crescent museum that has been expanded and renovated and is due to open in June. I really enjoyed seeing the work in progress: there were portraits resting on floors ready to be hung and beautiful carpets based on original designs waiting to be laid, grand four poster beds waiting to be dressed...really fascinating!

A lot of the museum is all ready to go I, as always really liked the rooms about domestic intricacies like laying the table and the cooking.

I took a few snaps of some tableware here: pineapples were very expensive and a symbol of great wealth as well as a symble of hospitality. A new fact I learnt was that they were often hired because they were so expensive and renting two would cost 12 pounds! and that's in regency currency: so whats the equivalent now, hundreds?

Here's another little thing: a dish and box for holding beauty spots: often stuck on the face to disguise smallpox scars, and sometime to send coded messages :P near the corners or the under lip they meant coquette – one who flirts.  A beauty spot on the corner of the eye indicated passion while one near one if the eyes meant irresistible. Other beauty spot meanings included, on the throat – gallantry; on the nose signified boldness or shamelessness; on the forehead – grandeur. The little box would have been a gift: it says "how sweet's a love that meets return"

This little quote above the fireplace was nice: and especially appropriate as my 'mortgage fund' bond just matured and I have been very good and put it straight back in a new bond along with the interest I earnt: (£176 not too shabby!) with some extra savings that makes me feel more optimistic that in the next few years I might be able to buy a little place of my own.