29 June 2012

Future Me

I don't know if any of you guys have heard of this website http://www.futureme.org/ which is a very simple premise that you send an email to yourself to be delivered at any point in the future that you specify (5 years time, 50 years’ time, 5 days’ time)

It has been uncannily good at raising my spirits of late. The first email I sent to my 'future self' was the end of last year, knowing full well my relationship was a disaster but lacking the bravery to sort it out I sent this to myself for this year, and promptly completely forgot about it, then a week after me and the Boy broke up and I was panicking that I'd made a huge mistake... up pops this message. How well I predicted exactly when I would need to hear it:

Dear FutureMe,
You are so brave!! You knew he wasn't the right man for you. Yes it was warm and comfortable, but you were right to leave. He was bitter, and cruel, and a bully, you did the right thing. I know you didn’t really want to do it because you liked the flat and it was nice to have someone to watch telly with.
Now think of how much better things are:
You're saving money, you're eating healthier (most of the time :P) your free to go wherever and whenever you please. You don’t ever have to spend Christmas doing things you don’t want to do.
Even if you feel dark and lonely right now.
Trust me
You did the right thing, (now go organise a cup of tea and cake with Eleni and Mary-Anne)


Then today I got this one (which I was prompted to write after the first one arrived):

Dear FutureMe,
Well gosh didn't that last letter come at exactly the right time?! You've done it you are single

Now that you have all your stuff in the flat it's time to start kicking ass, after all you blamed being in the relationship for being fat, miserable and not achieving all you could. No excuses now!

So here are some things you HAVE to start doing now you've had time to regroup and rest:
1) Go running twice a week, doesn't have to be that far do the route round walcot street and down over Pultney bridge - this is in addition to going to the 4 times a week at work
2) Pick a date for your housewarming tea party

3) Buy the animal care course: it’s the cost of a month’s rent, so you can spare it, it'll be interesting and it'll be nice to achieve something.
4) Get the internet: go with Orange they seem nice (and its vital for number 3!)
5) If you haven't already go buy a bookcase, shoe rack, a sideboard, a chair, and maybe a rug? make this place your own!

Its Friday today, so go have a wicked weekend, achieve lots! have fun!
Lots and lots of Love, stop pining for Cambridge Place, it was just a flat and he wasn't right for you!!! you had to leave at some point.

Again some sound advice and perfect timing....from me!
And I have already done, 2,4+5 so I feel happy I'm on the right track!

I recommend trying this yourself, it’s a great way to check-in with yourself and make sure you are achieving your goals.


22 June 2012

Goal 22. weigh 9.7 stone

Ahh weight, always a good one to rant about! Last time I blogged about this I weighed 10 and a half stone so this goal was just 14 (ish) pounds away from my grip, I even bumped up the goal to 9.7 instead of 9.5 as original suggested!

Well, I haven't done it. The opposite in fact, I've been eating big bars of Cadburys caramel! and, well its caught up with me! inevitable this was going to end badly, but I did one of these body fat analyses at work and its not great news:
  • You'll note I weigh 11st 5lbs (aaaaaaaaaaa!)
  • BMI is 'overweight' ugh
  • Subcutaneous fat levels are not just high, but very high
  • My skeletal muscle is low! this was particularly annoying as I'm a pretty regular gym goer.




Damn, OK better get on this then. I've gone for calorie control; 1400 a day and I'm trying to get to the gym as often as possible. Its also inspired me to go back to Kettlebells, yes its hellish but it builds muscle, and it seems I'm in need of that!
The good news is this event has prompted my weight loss adventure which I started in earnest 2 weeks ago and I am currently on 10st 11lb. My first milestone is to get to 10st 3lbs and from there its 10 more pounds to 9st 7lb :) Lets do this!





15 June 2012


*sigh* I gotta tell you guys, Boston, I love it. My heart aches when I think about it when I'm this side of the pond. All the most awesome stories from my life come from being stateside: the time I let a yank fly me to Minnesota for our 2nd date, the time I lost $100 in 30 seconds in Vegas, when we sold all our furniture and were left with just the sofa that stayed in the garden.

I know its a cliche to call it the land of opportunity but my god are they right! the air is thick with opportunity for adventure over there. If I bring one thing back with me every time I go there its to remind myself of the first time I went to America, I was moving there at the same time, in that first week: complete culture shock, broken heart, Homesick. But I managed to grow to love it by saying yes to any opportunity that came my way. I try and do that here to which usually works out pretty well: I always say yes to an invite! or at least try!

So Boston 2012?
Lots of this...
Thankyou to The Intercontinental Hotel for their sunrise yoga programme

That's me with the blue top!

Some of this: Newport, Rhode Island and its' beautiful mansions

and of course lots of amazing food! (I am now on a diet, vis-a-vis goal number 22)